Smart Driver Program


Smart Driver Home
Street Smarts
As drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians of the City of New Haven it is our responsibility to share the road.
The Smart Driver Pledge is a citizen-based traffic calming initiative of cars calming other cars.  It is a promise to take responsibility as a driver and a reminder to all that safer streets and neighborhoods can only be accomplished when everyone shares the road.
The Pledge simply states, “I understand that my driving affects the safety and livability of other people’s neighborhoods, just as other people’s driving affects my neighborhood.  In recognition of the desire of all citizens for quality of life, safety and the pursuit of happiness, I declare PEACE in our neighborhoods and commit to using my Street Smarts every day.”
The magnet is a reminder to other users of the road as well as a “pledge reminder” to Smart Drivers that you are taking part in a community-based effort to address the problems of traffic speed, safety, and congestion in New Haven. 
The Smart Driver concept originated in Boise, Idaho and has been replicated in Atlanta, Greensboro, Santa Cruz, Honolulu, Salt Lake City, North Hampton and other cities and towns across the nation.
Be a part of the solution to New Haven’s traffic problem.
Take the pledge and become a New Haven Pace Car driver today! street smarts