Meter Bag Request Form

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Meter Bag Usage Regulations
General Commercial Use and Construction
5 days minimum notice is required to guarantee a reservation.
Use of meter bags is a privilege extended to allow providers of commercial services to park vehicles necessary to the performance of the service, on an intermittent and temporary basis, near to the work site where off-street parking is not available or inadequate. Vehicles parked at meter bags are permitted only as required to perform a service. Meter bags shall not be used for general employee or convenience parking, and shall not be used by street vendors.

Meter bags are not permitted in retail areas, specifically Chapel Street, York Street, Broadway, Whitney Avenue, Orange Street, Church Street, and any other street specified. The need for bags on those streets must be demonstrated at the time of application in order to obtain permission to park on those streets. Vehicle using meter bags contrary to the regulation will be ticketed as if the bag were not present.

Meter bags may be recalled at any time for the convenience of the city. From time to time, the Department may call to ask you to move your bag to another location for any reason. Meter bags may not be used at spaces posted for a 15 or 30 minute limit.

Meter bags are valid only during those times parking is permitted at the meter space where used. (Check Signs) If City meter space is posted TOW ZONE, NO STANDING 7am – 9am and/or 4pm – 6pm, parking at the bag is prohibited and the vehicle may be ticketed and towed. Parking is also prohibited during street sweeping, parades; 2AM-6PM alternate side ban, snow emergencies, festivals, and the like. Watch the postings.
Parking meters must be covered the evening prior to use to reserve the space for the next day. The law requires the Department to give violators 12-hr minimum notice before removing them from your space.

Unauthorized vehicles will be removed from your space upon complaint by you to our tow desk at 946-8077. You will be required to certify to us that the bag has been on the meter at least 12 hours before your complaint. If a vehicle is caused by you to be towed unjustly, you will be required to pay the owner’s tow fees, and may be barred from future meter bag use. Meter bags reserve spaces during meter operations, generally 7AM -7PM. We do not tow people from bags who park after 7PM, or on Sunday. If your construction work requires clear curb space 24 hours per day, consult with Traffic about this so other solutions can be arranged.

Meter Bag Pick Up
Meter bags are available for pickup at the Traffic Department only on the day before use (Friday for Saturday or Monday use), and are chargeable from the day after pickup to the day before return (one day minimum). Later returns are charged as being in use.

Stolen bags must be reported promptly. Applicant will remain responsible for daily payment for stolen bags until reported. Once reported stolen, a bag will be recovered by the Department when seen, and any vehicle parked at that bag will automatically be towed.

Meter Bag Fees
The Meter bag fee is $20.00 per day and will be billed on the basis of six (6) day week (Sunday and Holidays are excluded). A deposit of $50.00 per bag is required in advance. This deposit shall be forfeited if the bag is not returned for any reason, or if the bag is destroyed. A $50.00 fee will be charged for lost or damaged bags and a $15.00 fee will be charged for lost or damaged locks. A $10.00 fee is charged for lost or broken keys.

The Department may bar you from future meter bag use for failure to pay fees when demanded. You also will not be issued Public Works permits while in arrears.

Special Events
In circumstances where special one-time events (weddings, funerals, public events and festivals) may cause a traffic hazard due to lack of parking, loading or drop-off pick up spaces, the Department will make 3 bags available. Reservation of parking spaces for attendees at these events can only be accommodated where space exists without placing undue burden on surrounding users.

For special events, the applicant must demonstrate a need for on-street loading and / or pick up and drop off space.   Reservation of parking spaces for attendees at these events is not encouraged and will only be accommodated where space exists without placing undue burden on surrounding users.
In the event additional off-street parking is required, the applicant is encouraged to contact the New Haven Parking Authority for reservation of spaces off street.  

The Director’s approval is required if more than 3 bags are required.  
The standard $20.00 fee will be charged for each day of use.

In the event of a funeral or not-for-profit special event, the department may waive the meter bag fee